Music, like one of my other favorite indulgences-- wine, can be enjoyed both alone or in the company of others. Music can console the lonely man in his empty house at night or it can spark love in a couple holding hands for the first time in a mass of concert-goers at Cain's Ballroom. It's this duality and adaptability of music (and other arts in general-- film, dance, etc) that really brings it to life.
Today on this frigid TulsAlaskan day (-15 wind chill, yo) when school's are closed (God bless those bus-stop kids) and it's certainly too cold to do anything else, what better way to spend some unexpected time with my kids than sharing some kickass music.
Yes, our Clark Family Jam is brought to us courtesy of Beatles Rockband. I can honestly say that I never forced The Beatles onto my kids. They took to the Fab Four naturally and have totally ran with it. (Scout, the 3 year old, does a wicked "I am the Walrus.").
Anyway, I'd better get back to it. I have some "Hey Bulldog" to master.
And if the cold leans you more in the "want to stay home alone and cry into my whiskey"/personal side of music, then I suggest you check out my play list for a cold day alone.
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